core values

Our vision’s core values are five major Bible teachings woven together into a vibrant tapestry.

What is so very important is that these teachings are not to be merely studied, but ought to be lived exuberantly.

Christians put much emphasis on Bible study (important!), but need to put even greater emphasis on living what the Bible teaches. Jesus urges us to hear and do His words, for then we build life on rock – a solid foundation. It is only b) earnestly living these teachings that our lives will be transformed and that our influence will positively affect our families, workplaces, and society. This is what our young people need to know: don’t just hear what God says, but DO so – lovingly! This is the thrust of the Diamond Perspective. Here are the five Bible teachings that are to permeate our entire lifestyle

significance of the cultural mandate

Many Christians forget the task that God gave humankind in Genesis 1:26, 28 and 2:15, where He told us to multiply and care for His earth and to cultivate it. This earth cultivation began with tilling the soil and raising livestock, but – as you will notice in Genesis 4 – it soon branched out into fabricating clothes, making tents, constructing cities, crafting musical instruments, and manufacturing tools. Today’s technology is a fascinating extension of tool production. This is God’s breathtaking challenge to all humans, which was jubilantly repeated in Psalm 8: “You made him ruler over the works of your hands.” He intends that we use the creative juices that He poured into each one of us in order to unfold the earth’s potential together. Sadly, this earth cultivation task is no longer done in loving obedience to God, according to His norms. Nowadays it is generally accomplished with total disregard for our Creator. Earth cultivation has become a self-glorifying activity in which we seek to make a name for ourselves and simply pursue our own interests or some selfish profit motive, so we largely ignore love for God and love for fellow human beings.

What becomes significant now is that our new life in Christ should involve the restoration of our earth cultivation task. Through our daily work, we are to reflect the greatness of our Saviour and Lord, who is the absolute Owner of Planet Earth.

Developing Planet Earth has become an activity that rebels against the Creator of this magnificent universe. For that reason much in our life has gone wrong. We have lost a sense of who we are and what we are here for. Our marriages do not always express the maturing love that ought to lay the foundation for healthy family life. Spouses usually don’t know how to deal wisely with their differences, but endlessly blame each other for their marriage problems. Our families – starting with Can’s jealousy of Abel (in Genesis) – are often troubled by discord. Quarrels erupt frequently and few are able to foster family wholeness. Then divorce tears down our social fabric. Our workplaces no longer understand their task within the total mandate of earth cultivation. Employer-employee and employee-employee relations at times become adversarial, and products or services may become shoddy. Educational leaders do not know how to teach the young what proper earth development means. Our economy pushes us to consume endlessly, so we are never satisfied. Moreover, industrial tycoons maximize profit at the expense of their employees Entertainment moguls focus on financial self-enrichment, but not on enriching the minds and hearts of their viewers or listeners. Artists of every stripe seek to express their feelings, but do not lead viewers to a God-given appreciation of visionary beauty and disdain for ugliness. News programs sensationalize what is controversial to enhance their company’s market value instead of earnestly informing us about truth and justice. We need to recover the true meaning of our multifaceted earth cultivation activities. And that requires acknowledging that we are not our own, but belong totally to the Owner of the universe. We are to unfold His will here. In Christ, He has rescued us from our sin-twisted ways of thinking and living to live according to His restorative norms

Preeminence of the greatest commandment

The Kingdom of God is often regarded as being some spiritual entity only, as if it has little to do with our daily living. I is often equated with church. This is an idea regarded as mostly inconsequential in the marketplace of life. The Christian faith is seen as a private matter of Sunday morning church activities or weekly Bible study that doesn’t make much of a difference. Yet, the main thrust of Jesus’s life was the establishing of God’s reign over ALL of life through a renewed people. He came to restore life on earth as its Lord, so that all of our human existence (family life, schooling, business practices, entertainment, TV programs, technology, scientific research, and so on) becomes new and is gradually lived the way in which God intends it to be lived. We are to actualize the Kingdom of God, which encompasses all of our life. Thus the Christian faith ought to be a full-orbed expression of vibrant devotion to God, and the new life in Christ is to bring far-reaching transformation. How eager are we to seek this renewal of life for our family or the families of others? Let me give you an example.

A number of years ago, I met a young medical student in a city in eastern China. Later I discovered that he hid much anger, so he mostly isolated himself in his room. When I realized that he was angry, I took an interest in him. Almost every day I phoned him from Canada to engage him in conversation. After contacting him almost daily for eight weeks, he told me that his heart was frozen, so he didn’t care whether I phoned him or not. He also was adamant about not wanting to be a doctor. I didn’t give up on him, but kept calling and asking him what stirred his anger. After about a year of helping him to process his anger, he told me that his heart was melting. Gradually he became interested in others. Moreover, he also became a confident doctor. Our persistence will help withered persons to flourish. This is how our Lord’s Kingdom becomes a healing reality in this world. We must make sure that we notice “he bruised reeds” and “the smoldering wicks” all around us. And when we make sure that the reeds get mended anc the wicks don’t get snuffed out in the family, the workplace, and the neighbourhood, the Lord’s reign becomes visible.


Importance of our new life in Christ

At the start of His ministry, Jesus remarked that the Kingdom of heaven was near. This meant that His reign as Lord here on earth was beginning. Because Christ is Lord, we are to reflect His redemptive lordship, pursuing the new life of restoring brokenness. He now urges His followers to take off the old, selfish way of living and to put on an other-centred way of behaving. However, this newness of life is not understood very well by Christ-followers, who have narrowed the new life in Christ primarily to personal or spiritual issues. Because many Christians do not fully understand the impact of Christ’s redemption and lordship, they do not realize that this new life in Christ has the possibility of touching everything we do in society. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

This is to become an exciting and meaningful lifestyle that can change everything, gradually bringing reality into harmony with God’s will. As His new people, we are to transform our daily existence in all areas of society by healing our many tattered relationships.

Urgence of great commission

Because many Christians forget the Cultural Mandate and do not realize that the Kingdom of God extends over all of reality, they see the Great Commission as merely soul-winning for eternal life. Jesus clearly told us in Matthew 28:20 to teach “people to obey everything I have commanded you, And His teaching has everything to do with the way we are to love God and others and the way we extend His lordship through Kingdom living in newness of the life for which He died. The Great Commission, therefore, is much more extensive than what we have made it to be. We certainly are to make disciples ot all nations – but not only of indivIdual people in various ethnic groups. Our new lifestyle deals with personal as well as societal renewal, putting into practice Christ’s sacrificial love. Thus His amazing love, cascading through us, is to transform the societal landscape all around us.

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Our vision’s core values are five major Bible teachings woven together into a vibrant tapestry.

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When you are young, you are curious what this life is all about. You certainly know something about it, because you’ve experienced it already for a while

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